Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Save Illinois History!!!!

It's been a busy month here in Illinois. Our dear governor is getting ready to close all of the French Colonial sites in Illinois as well as several other sites around the state. If he gets his way you will no longer be able to visit the home of the First Lt. Governor of the State of Illinois, Pierre Menard, no longer visit Fort Kaskaskia or historic Fort de Chartres. The budget is being cut to the bare bones and our historic sites are the ones who will suffer the worst as well as the 34 state employees being laid off, not to mention the jobs and revenue that tourism brings into our wonderful state. If you are as outraged as I am about this please call or write your elected officials and tell them what you think.

Please take the time to sign the online petition at: www.petitionspot.com/petitions/ihpa or write the following elected officials.

Senator David Luechtefeld
700 North Front Street
PO Box 517
Okawville, IL 62271

Representative Dan Reitz
128 A West Main
Sparta, IL 62286

Governor Pat Quinn
Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706

Make sure you tell dear ole' Rod exactly what you think of his policies.